News & Updates

World Indigenous Peoples Present Climate Action Commitments at UNSG Climate Action Summit, 23 September 2019 / Los Pueblos Indígenas del Mundo presentaron sus Compromisos de Acción Climática a la Cumbre de Acción Climática del Secretario General de la Organización de Naciones Unidas, 23 de Septiembre 2019

Bill Gates, Tuntiak Katan and Sheikh Hasina speak during the 2019 UN climate action summit in New York, New York, on 23 September. Photograph: Justin Lane/EP // Bill Gates, Tuntiak Katan y Sheikh Hasina dialogan ...
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Statement on the Amazon fires from COICA / Declaracion sobre los fuegos en la Amazonia de COICA

Declaratoria de Emergencia Ambiental y Humanitaria ante la Falta de Voluntad de los Gobiernos de Brasil y Bolivia, 23 de agosto 2019 Declaration of Environmental and Humanitarian Emergency Due to the Lack of Will of ...
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A Reception and Celebration for the IITC Tucson Office One-Year Anniversary / Recepción y Celebración Conmemorando el 1er Aniversario de la Apertura de la Oficina del Consejo Internacional de Tratados Indios en Tucson

The International Indian Treaty Council and the U of A Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy Program invite you to... A Reception and Celebration for the IITC Tucson Office One-Year Anniversary Also Welcoming Heather Whiteman Runs ...
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SAVE THE DATES: Alcatraz Sunrise Gathering – Indigenous Peoples Day & Indigenous Peoples Thanksgiving

(click to enlarge) Commemorating 527 years of Indigenous resistance and honoring 50 years since the Occupation of Alcatraz in 1969. Our struggles, culture and sacred ways of life continue! With Indigenous cultural presentations and special ...
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This year marks the International Year of Indigenous Languages, declared by the United Nations General Assembly to draw attention to the urgent need to preserve, revitalize and promote indigenous languages. Languages are how we communicate, ...
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Letter regarding actions on Pesticides by the government of Mexico 2019 / Carta sobre acciones sobre plaguicidas por parte del gobierno de México 2019

Meeting with INPI, IITC and Yaqui Traditional Authorities, Vicam Pueblo, May 31, 2019 // Reunión con las autoridades tradicionales de INPI, IITC y Yaqui, Vicam Pueblo, 31 de mayo de 2019   [Español sigue]   ...
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IITC Letter to TMT Board Members Regarding Mauna Kea 2019

  July 23, 2019 TMT International Observatory Board of Directors, United States of America and Canada: Diana Jergovic, [email protected] B. Tomas Soifer, [email protected] Prof. Donald Brooks, [email protected] Gregory G. Fahlman, [email protected] Kim Venn, [email protected] Jonas ...
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UN International Year of Indigenous Languages: Conference, Chickasaw Cultural Center, Nov. 15-16, 2019

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MEDPI Evento Paralelo: Haciendo responsables a los Estados Unidos y otros Estados por los Niños Indígenas Aún Desaparaecidos de los Internados y Escuelas Residenciales, 18 de julio de 2019, Ginebra, Suiza

Invitando a Pueblos Indígenas y Delegaciones de Estados Miembros, Expertos, Organismos y Agencias de la ONU a que asistan al Evento Paralelo: Haciendo responsables a los Estados Unidos y otros Estados por los Niños Indígenas ...
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junio 2024


IITC does not receive any state or federal funding. Instead, we rely on the generous support of foundation grants, Indigenous Nations and Tribes, and contributions from private donors, friends and allies to sustain our work. Please consider contributing to support the work of IITC. Whether it be monthly giving or a one time donation, any amount helps and all are tax deductible.